Let's Get Started:

As a woman-owned, small business, we take pride in fostering a strong community of other local woman-owned and minority-owned businesses.

This is a fun and easy way to get your business name and product in front of 6,000+ local women through email blasts, social media posts and interaction in the Be Seen Queens VIP Group

Fill out the form below to apply to be a sponsor of your business.

If accepted:
1) Your business and product will be promoted through our social media channels and email blasts during the Be Seen Queens Week in July 21st - 26th

2) You will receive the contact information for the prize winner. Winners will be selected and announced by the Shayna Hardy Photography team. 

The prize should be at least a $50 value.

Examples of prizes:
Classes (yoga, zumba, pole fitness), Services (hypnotherapy, eyebrow design, interior decorating, coaching, tattoo), Products (skincare, makeup, essential oils, clothing, jewelry, bags).

If you are in an industry where it is hard to give away something directly related to the service or product you provide (for example insurance or real estate), feel free to donate a gift card to another business.

Your promotion must be in the form of a digital item or gift certificate ONLY. 
We cannot accept physical prizes. 
The item(s) and/ or service must be offered with no strings attached for the winner. You may NOT donate something that requires further purchase (for example, we will NOT accept a $50 off coupon).  

You must be a member of the Facebook Group Be Seen Queen VIP Group to be a sponsor.

You must agree to share / promote Be Seen Queen Week on your social media platforms and/or email at least twice before Sunday, July 22nd

Deadline to submit this application to be eligible to participate in the Be Seen Queen Week promotion is Monday, July 15th

Questions? Contact Shayna Hardy at shayna@shaynahardy.com

Here at Shayna Hardy Photography,
we are ALL about 
supporting local small businesses!